Kia Ora everyone and hope you are settling into January nicely.There is still lots of sun to enjoy in our downtime and we still have some long weekends coming up (and if you are like me then a bit of cricket to watch!).
For those of you who have worked through Christmas and New Year thanks for your commitment and I hope you have a holiday planned that will partly compensate while the rest of us are back at the desk.
This week I want to share some videos about balancing work and life in 2020 and some more thoughts on the big issues.
There was some great feedback from last week’s videos so these will absolutely keep up the momentum. As per my opening video last week I have spent time in my home office sorting out how 2020 will look and importantly I have cleaned out my wardrobe which was becoming a place of chaos – I tried to channel my inner Marie Kondo but suspect another round is still necessary!
I think it is true that clear spaces do give you a clear mind.
I find that easier now my kids are adults and there aren’t the baskets of toys and sports gear lying around that there used to be!
When the OBB team met to film January’s videos with our guests one thing that kept coming up was holidays. Many people believe that you need to plan these well in advance and commit to taking that time away from work.
There are always many constraints such as school holidays, work deadlines, birthdays, family events, money, and the list goes on, but some good planning can help to reveal the perfect windows for a break and let us maximise our chance of success.
Looking after ourselves and being kind to our own needs is as important as anything else especially when so many rely on us in one way or another. Enjoy.
Kia Kaha and talk next week.
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